
It’s truly an amazing thing to see how quickly and comprehensively the degradation of the military and the country’s institutions has proceeded.

I suppose it’s a terrible thing to say, but at this point I can’t help but wonder whether a total military defeat by the United States and the Western Alliance might not be the best outcome for our countries—a kind of abrupt “phase change” that would shake things up and allow us to plot a new and better course. The alternative is the present dystopia carried forever into the future—which is an intolerable thought!

Honestly, I used to believe all that stuff about the US military possessing superior and top-secret, science-fictional weaponry that would make it invincible in war…but now? If the last few years have taught me anything, it’s that the only superiority this government possesses is full-spectrum incompetence.

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On point. I've come out and planted my flag on the 'America is going to lose WWIII' hill a while ago, and nothing I've seen since has done anything but made me more confident in that prediction. You don't stack your general staff and officer corps with morons, alienate your own population, fill the ranks with incompetents who can neither use nor maintain the technology your military relies on, or engage in decades of malinvestment in white elephant projects, and win a great power war.

The only proviso is that if the dollar collapses, Washington won't be able to pay for the war at all.

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Spot on, as usual. I'm glad to see even fairly moderate conservatives rally around Rob Rundo. It's dismissive to say he's the boss of racist fight clubs, but the very idea of racist fight clubs make a lot of disenfranchised young white men sit up and take notice. Intelligent people aren't buying the conformist false narrative anymore.

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Agreed, unfortunately.

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